Thursday, June 24, 2010


So what has Tara Jane been DOING since she's "retired" now? :) Well, a lot actually! First, we've been baby-sitting this sweet pup for a week!! That's right, THREE greyhounds in our small little house. :) This is Bernie - and he is unbelievably sweet. I wish I could keep him!!
And I've finally been able to do some of my crafty stuff!!! Our dining room table has turned into my "work space" - I have like 57 projects in the works. This week, though I've renamed my workshop to "Anna's Sweatshop", managed by Chad Lynch. :) Anna's wedding is this Saturday and I, along with several other friends, are helping her get everything done that needs to be done!! Her reception theme is fair - candy apples, cotton candy, funnel cake, sno cones and all!
I'm so excited!!

And I can finally cook and bake, like I love to do!! I made the yumminess seen below for Christopher's fellow anesthesia employees at Baptist.

Mint Chocolate Chip...tasty. :)

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