Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Catching Up....

Oh...where to start. :) I"m sure no one is even going to read this because I haven't posted a blog in a kajillion years, but maybe I can help restore your faith in me as readers of my blog!

Christopher and I are REALLY enjoying Columbia. School is going really well for him...he made a 4.0 last semester!!! And I am so proud of him (of course)! I think he's really enjoying the information he's learning. And let me tell you...we used to talk about nursing and medical stuff all the time since we were both nurses. But the things that he talks about now...WAY over my head. I just let him talk with his classmates about that. :) When our friend Zachary comes over to eat or Jeremy comes from across the street, I just watch TV. Because they use words that I've never heard before.

We've been going to Shandon Baptist Church in Forest Acres, which has been AMAZING!!! We go to the contemporary worship service at 11:30 and if I had to name the #1 reason that we would stay in Columbia after Christopher graduates, it would be that I love that church so much!

I guess other interesting news would be that I got a new job. :) I started as school nurse for Brennen Elementary School in Richland One back at the end of February. I can assure you, I thought school nursing would be so calm and easy...I was wrong. :) It's different from the hospital in oh so many ways. But I'm learning. And one of the other school nurses, Angie, has stuck to me like glue to make sure that I'm comfortable, which is so helpful. My school has about 760 kids (it's the biggest elementary school in Richland One) and the families are some of the richest and the poorest in the whole area. Their needs are so, so diverse. It's been one of the coolest experiences, too, to have hearing impaired kids at my school. Sign language FASCINATES me and I'm learning so much. I even have my own sign name! It means "Nurse Snead", which is hysterical. But the best part about school nursing is the summer vacation, which I'm experiencing now. Eight weeks!!!

Also, I turned 30 a few weeks ago. Thirty...30. No matter how you say or spell sounds OLD!!! :) Christopher and my mom had a surprise family party for me in Lake City at LaBamba (yay!). It was soooooo special. Christopher is the most awesome husband...and a good secret-keeper! :)

Was this not the cutest cake ever??? Mrs. Beverly Severance made this one, addition to my 21st birthday cake and our wedding cake. I love her! And her cake. :)

Well, I guess I'll go cook lunch...Christopher worked at Palmetto Health Richland in the OR from 3PM yesterday until 7AM this morning. YIKES! So he's sleeping now....and he'll be starving shortly!

Promise I'll do better with keeping up! ;)


Lauren said...

Nurse Snead,
Greetings and salutations! ...and you thought no one would read your blog! I didn't even know you had one, but now I will become a faithful reader of this here thing. How's your summer? I am taking a course at FMU this...Swamp Fox Writing Project and none other than Beckie Flannagan is heading this whole thing up. We chatted about you just today, and she told me you and she had a lengthy discussion at the health dept the last time she saw you. A cat bit her blah blah blah, and you were doing something for nursing. Anyway, good to "catch up."

Meredith said...

I am so excited that you updated your blog. I love it! It is listed in my favorites. This particular post makes me wish very badly that I was eating a piece of Mrs.Beverly's cake. That is some good stuff. Christopher and your mom did good! We love you, Tara Jane!

rita and andy said...

Glad to hear that you have joined the rest of us in the education world. Some days it can be pretty tough, but boy the vacation is great!! I have your blog listed under my favorites and keep checking from time to time. I knew you would be back!!